Friday, June 29, 2012

First thoughts on a missing brother

It's hard to think of what to use as a first post in a new blog, harder still when trying to encompass an entire lifetime. Do I go the humorous route (almost impossible not to, considering the subject), the sentimental (almost impossible considering the author), the morose and dark (considering the ethnicity) or the low-key, to allow room later for the really good stuff?

I think I'll just take the Rorschach route. What did I think of when I saw the photo of Charles? I know, everyone else called him Charlie, but to me he was always Charles. Don't know why, he just was. Anyway, the first thing I thought of was Zest. He did everything with zest. Nothing was ever boring or mundane to him. If he bought a pack of cigarettes, he smoked the whole pack. If he got a new kind of saw, he would end up slicing off his finger trying to make it cut something it shouldn't.

Turns out that was also his worst enemy, but that's for when I get dark and morose… later.

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